thank you for the lovely poem today! will i see you in this last round of WOP? I will be an editor on the crew!

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Hey Christin! Good to hear from you. Unfortunately, I won't be in this round of WOP, but that's great that the students will have you as an editor. I hope it goes great! I owe the WOP community a lot for helping me start this newsletter!

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More than intuition, it’s feeling…mostly a feeling that it’s time for change and discovery…

How would I feel if I did this?

Will it make me happy?

Is it what I really want?

Will I regret not doing it?

Will I regret doing it?

What’s the worst that can happen?

If the decision was a mistake is it fixable, and how?

…so major life decisions should definitely be intuitive at the inception but should be the result of an inner thought process…and talking about it should only be for brainstorming without expectation of finding the answer through another person…you have to find the answer within yourself that’s the intuition involved…

Thanks Chris for the inspiration…geese also teach us that when it’s time for change, we have to do it and doing it with the support of others allows to go with the flow and not look back…

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Thanks for your thoughtful response! I especially appreciate your inclusion of the questions "What's the worst that can happen" and "If the decision is a mistake, is it fixable, and how?" That's something I learned a long time ago from reading Tim Ferriss, and I often take clients through that thought process, as well. It helps a lot with the fear of worst case scenarios.

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